Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
During studies on Polish-contemporary-prose perception in a Secondary School various difficulties and methodological complications were brought to light. Among the most important one must mention the lack of tradition of such studies, the need for interdisciplinary handling, the multiple and manifold theories of the structure of a work and of the process of its cognition and the more the necessity for instrumental handling of notions, which theoreticians of literature and psychologists left as debatable. One must take into consideration the fact, that the quality of perception of a work of art depends on several outside conditions, which influence the construction of the investigating instruments. ; Conversance with the investigated population, the situation of the perception and the instrumental purpose of the studies influenced the choice of method and the way of procedure. The fundamental process of perception studies began with the introspective metbod of spontaneous avowal in the form of a free written view on the read text. Next one passed on to more disciplined means as questionnaires of questions and themes and to confrontation of the results of independant perception before the lesson with the results of perception directed by the teacher after the lesson. The achieved experiences were put to good account in an experiment which crowned the studies. The way and kind of studies were meant for didactic purposes and for the elimination of perception limitations in general and for overcoming perception obstacles in particular for the good of a better dissemination of contemporary literature.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Lisowski, Krzysztof Zielińska, Maria - red. Szaban, Dorota - red.
Nachmias, David Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava Hornowska, Elżbieta (1952 -) - tł.
Ratkowska-Pasikowska, Justyna Pasikowski, Sławomir Szumigraj, Marcin - red. Trębińska-Szumigraj, Ewa - red. Zielińska-Pękał, Daria - red.
Gazdecka, Elżbieta Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.
Silverman, David (1943- ) Głowacka-Grajper, Małgorzata (1976- ) - tł. Ostrowska, Joanna (1977- ) - tł. Konecki, Krzysztof - przedmowa
Silverman, David (1943- ) Głowacka-Grajper, Małgorzata (1976- ) - tł. Ostrowska, Joanna (1977- ) - tł. Konecki, Krzysztof - przedmowa
Silverman, David (1943- ) Głowacka-Grajper, Małgorzata (1976- ) - tł. Ostrowska, Joanna (1977- ) - tł. Konecki, Krzysztof - przedmowa
Silverman, David (1943- ) Głowacka-Grajper, Małgorzata (1976- ) - tł. Ostrowska, Joanna (1977- ) - tł. Konecki, Krzysztof - przedmowa