In this review the author attempts to give a theoretical and empirical meaning to the concept creative attitudes of pupils in the process of school-reading comprehension, an attempt, which he dennes as an pupils-organized system of action. These actions create the tendency towards an unconventional behavior in a positive sense on the base of the autonomy of the pupil as an individual and on the base of his acknowledged values and trend of performance ; The qualitive phases of evolution of the creative attitude and three spheres of creativity formal, polymorphous, autonomic) are imfluenced by the systemic model of teaching and learning literature. As a proper indicator for measuring creative attitudes one propes unconventionality, in which one can operationalize correctly chosen research problems. ; A measuring instrument on the other hand is a specially made-out "Index of a pupil`s unconvetional behavior" or a set of 140 ascertainments arranged in seven groups. The author expresses the opinion, that the systemic model of work on reading offers the hest and most natural conditions for the examination of the pupil`s creative progresses on different school levels.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Łobocki, Mieczysław (1929-2012) Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Papiór, Elżbieta Zielińska, Maria Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) - red. Idzikowski, Bogdan - red.
Steiner, Irmgard Wenzke, Gerhard Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) - red. Idzikowski, Bogdan - red.