This work intends to show same aspects of linguistic integration occuring in the Western Parts of this country. Schoolworks of pupils from Elementary Schools in Babimost and Podmokle in the district of Zielona Góra are the basic material for deliberations of dialectological and even sociolinguistical significance. In the above mentioned places one can observe the formation of a new and mixed dialect characteristic for those Western Parts of the country.The researches embrace also the regional descent of the pupil`s parents, what is of the utmost importance in the interpretation of dialectic occurences. ; The linguistic phenomenons can be divided into phonetic, inflectional, formative, syntactic or lexical ones. The phenomenons interpreted in the material permit the formulation of several general conclusions. Among others it is shown, that dialectic phenomenons are met considerably more frequently in an environment of dialectical and cultural homogeneity as it is the case in Podmokle. Mixed population on the other hand reduces the dialectic phenomenons in favour of an all-Poland language, as it is the case in Babimost. ; In the higher grades of Elementary School the pupils` works show a fading of dialectic or slang phenomenons. This may be considered a proof for the integrating interaction of School generalizing an all-Poland variant of language.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna
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