The work shows some relations between the then arising didactics of literature and different pedagogical trends which gained shape at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. It shows an inspiration to modern education and above of all the impact of work and arts, emerging from discussions about the contents of teaching and methods and forms of studies of a piece of literary work. ; It was foud that men of didacticism who based on pedagogical postulates (for instance Mr. K. Wóycicki and Mr. Wł. Szyszkowski) called for the introduction of reading of literary works into teaching schemes instead of endowing the pupil with the knowledge of historical literature. They also called for the introduction of new methods, as understanding and analysis of literary work based on the direct appeal to the pupil and on his activity. Finally it is stated that the then most famous Polonists took part in discussions about questions of literary didactics.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
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